District 26-M2 Newsletters

Message from the District Governor Paul

Fellow Lions in District 26-M2,

This year has gone by, Lions Year 2023-2024 is almost over! Thank you for attending and enjoying the cabinet meetings, side meetings, and Global Action Team meetings!

We received learning opportunities along the way and shared memorable events, service projects, laughter, and fellowship. We were able to hear from you, the Lions Clubs of District 26-M2, what great service projects that you are performing. Great Job Team! I want you to continue with your great effort as we move into Lions Year 2024- 2025 with District Governor-Elect Lion Michelle Foster from Beaufort Lions Club.

Soon we will be hearing from our new District Governor after she is inducted at the Lions International Convention 2024 in Melbourne Australia. Lion Cyndi and I will be there to help celebrate this accomplishment and help with any effort in trying to elect our Missouri Lions Candidate for International Director, PDG Lion Debbie Cantrell from Lebanon Host Lions. This is going to be an exciting year! Plus, the next USA/Canada
Forum is in Louisville, KY from September 5 – 7, 2024 and there is still time to sign up to attend, Lion Cyndi and I will be there! Sign up at https://lionsforum.org/

it is only ~4 hour drive away, we are driving… It is going to be a great time to fellowship with other Lions and have the chance to learn about awesome things about Lions, Leadership,
yourself and much more! Check it out!

I look forward to serving with you in this great district MD26-M2 and seeing what we can do to “Be More, Do More and Serve More!” You know that I am “Excited to Serve!” this year!!! Let’s keep the momentum going in Lions Year 2024-2025!

Lion Paul Carr
District Governor



Message from 1st Vice District Governor Michelle

Hello My Lion Friends!

Wow, time flies! It was just yesterday that you all elected me in as 2nd Vice District Governor as I followed and learned through the path of Past District Governor Leon, and then I blinked, and it was District Governor Paul’s term as we were “Excited to
Serve”. It was a truly exciting year to serve with DG Paul visiting all the clubs and special events. We need to applaud DG Paul in all his excitement in Service throughout the District, as I want to continue to grow and excite Our District!

Past Council Joe, our son Derek and I are getting ready to venture to Australia. Family, Friends, and traveling are among some passions of mine, so I’m very excited to be able to become District Governor while in Australia with some of my family and many longtime friends and many new friends.
We were able to have an introduction and training with the new zone chairs for 2024/2025 year. They are excited and nervous to reach out to each of their clubs, so if I may ask, please welcome them into the activities of your clubs and they will share events and ideas with you as well. The Global Action Team Members are ready to offer training wherever and whoever is seeking it. Training doesn’t mean boring, it means
excitement and learning what the Lions have to offer and to whom. I experienced this in 2 special ways this last month. I was able to offer hearing aids to a lady that I’ve known for years (like all my life). I never knew she was in need, and she didn’t know I could help, but someone that knew I was involved with the Lions asked if I could. So, with the support of “YOU and YOUR CLUBS” she will now be able to hear louder and more clearly! Thank You! Then just 2 days later a lady from my hometown reached out to me through an acquaintance stating that she wanted a Leader Dog. Oh my, I thought ok now I know exactly what to do, I have people to call for that. So after making a couple calls, meeting with the Lady to fill out the multiple forms, contacting doctors with her, and then walking on the city streets video taping a blind lady from some distance behind (a little scary if I may add), she knew exactly where to stop before we reached the 4 lane highway (May I add she walks 6-7 miles a day and is totally blind). I have made a new friend, sent off her application w/videos and she will have an answer before the end of the week. I’m so excited to help her in her next adventures!

I’ve learned so much in just two short weeks and so can we all! My passions about serving have been totally reignited during this short period of time and I’m hoping this next year together we can reignite a passion of yours whether it’s with Lions or just in life general! Shout your services from the rooftops for all to hear!

Secretary Lion Ruth Boyer will be sending out Governor Visit Forms, July 1st. We want to visit, have fun and help where we can.

“Reigniting Passions 2024-2025”

Lion Michelle Foster
District Governor - Elect



Message from 2nd Vice District Governor - Wally Brumfield





Deadline for the next issue of The Lions That Roar is August 12, 2024.

Now is the time to for you to get an article in spotlighting your club or a special event. Do you have a “Did You Know” article? Pictures will be used
whenever possible. Do you want to share why you became a Lion? Maybe you can inspire others.

Please send to the Editor Lion Dave Kinkade at editor@lions26m2.org.


NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, the District 26-M2 “The Lions That Roar” newsletter is published bimonthly.

Following is the “ROAR” schedule for the
Lion year of 2024 – 2025.

Unless otherwise noted above, please send articles for
publication by the 12th of the month of publication.

August 2024
October 2024
December 2024
February 2025
April 2025
June 2025