District 26-M2 Newsletters
Message from the District Governor Michelle
Holiday Greetings Lions & Friends!
The Holiday cheer and parties are fabulous! The Cabinet and I have been busy visiting many clubs and events. I want to thank everyone for the great service you are providing to those that need food, clothing, toys, glasses, hearing aids, friends, or any special
needs. This is the giving season, but as Lions every season is giving season for most.
Service gets us seen and heard, so as you get time, please post your service on the Lions Portal, when possible, Thank You.
My first six months have flown by as all previous District Governors warned would happen, but there is still lots of fun to come. We as a District can attend 2 Conventions right here in Our own District and both at the same venue. District Convention, March 21
-23, 2025, at the Doubletree Westport, featuring Friday night hospitality, Saturday club bragging, Luncheon dining in the Dark, awards and banquet, Sunday Memorial service. State convention, May 1-4, 2025, at the Doubletree Westport, Thursday State Council
Meeting (if you’ve never been), Friday Service project and hospitality, Saturday learning sessions, awards, and banquet, Sunday Memorial service. Both will be filled with lots of fun, lots of learning, lots of old friends and new people to make friends with! Please come join me for one or both great conventions!
Another great event that Past Council Chair Joe and I are putting on is Lions Mystery Magic for KidSight. This is an event for everyone “NOT” just lions. We are hoping you will help sell seats, come see the show, know some sponsors, or donate to the event or silent
auction. The flyer is in the newsletter and all proceeds go directly to KidSight.
Continue to make your flames bigger, brighter, and your smoke go further! Spread those passions and boast about all you do!
Wishing All a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and Happy Healthy New Year!
Reigniting Passions!
Lion Michelle Foster
District Governor
Message from 1st Vice District Governor Wally
Lion Wallace Brumfield,
1st Vice District Governor
Message from 2nd Vice District Governor - Jeff Rackovan
Season’s Greetings Lions of 26M2!!!
The holidays are upon us!!! Hoping everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving!
It’s that time of year when we are moving in many directions as Lions. With the giving spirit in mind, please don’t forget those less fortunate in our communities. I know that most clubs, if not all, are doing their share of serving and giving to those in need. As Lions, that is what we do, we serve and give with the heart.
Let’s not forget the true spirit of the season.
I am SO very honored to be serving, and giving, side by side of so VERY many glad hearted Lions. We can’t make the difference for all, but we can make that difference to one person in need. To Make a difference, we need to Continue to “Be the Difference”.
Wishing you all, a VERY MERRY and Blessed Christmas!!!
Lion Jeff Rackovan,
2nd Vice District Governor
Deadline for the next issue of The Lions That Roar is February 3, 2025.
Now is the time to for you to get an article in spotlighting your club or a special event. Do you have a “Did You Know” article? Pictures will be used
whenever possible. Do you want to share why you became a Lion? Maybe you can inspire others.
Please send to the Editor Lion Dave Kinkade at editor@lions26m2.org.
NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, the District 26-M2 “The Lions That Roar” newsletter is published bimonthly.
Following is the “ROAR” schedule for the
Lion year of 2024 – 2025.
Unless otherwise noted above, please send articles for
publication by the 12th of the month of publication.
February 2025
April 2025
June 2025